
Let's share knowledge and stories together!

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Boost Your Online Account Opening Success with Event Tracking

Many financial institutions have already implemented technology that allows for account opening and loan applications to be processed online. 

Getting Personal While Growing Deposits

The fight for deposit growth continues to be a fierce one, with competition seemingly coming from all sides. Banks are not only experiencing pressure to attract customers but also retain them.

How Does Your Martech “Stack Up" in 2024

As the marketing landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of the curve requires an innovative marketing technology stack.  

Omnichannel Marketing: Curating the Customer Experience

What is an omnichannel approach, and why does my company need one for media? Google drives most of our conversions, why should I advertise on other channels?

ICYMI 2023: Our Top Hits

We've wrapped up our greatest hits from 2023!

Looking Forward To 2024

When it comes to marketing, the best laid plans can change at a moments notice. This year we’ve seen some of the biggest changes in technology, and the future ahead promises there is more to come.  

2023 In Review

Every year trends come and go, and marketing is no exception! We’ve seen a lot happen these last 12 months – including AI technology shaking up marketing strategies everywhere.  

Demystifying Customer Journey Mapping

Like our good friend the “persona”, customer journey mapping often feels daunting, and like a bit of an enigma.

Kentico Xperience August 2023

We are beyond thrilled to say that the Pannos Marketing Web Team has been recognized once again for another best-in-class website! 

Kentico Xperience June 2023

Not to toot our own horn (toot toot), but we can say Pannos has one of the best web teams! Once again, they have been recognized for another best-in-class website.  

On Demand Webinar: Tackle Strategic Planning With Vision.

It’s almost the season of planning! While marketers plan all year round, this time of year is especially important when it comes to strategic planning for the next year. 

On Demand Webinar: Tackle Strategic Planning With Vision.

It’s almost the season of planning! While marketers plan all year round, this time of year is especially important when it comes to strategic planning for the next year. 

Setting Boundaries and Promoting Synergy as a Financial Marketer

As a financial marketer, setting boundaries with other departments and prioritizing your institution's high-level goals and values is essential. We work in a complex and fast-paced environment, and it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work of each department's requests. Too often, we become the catch-all for every request that comes to mind. As marketers, we tend to aim to please; but burn out our energy and budgets if we say yes to everything. We must set ourselves up for success and wear our skill sets proudly. We may order giveaways, but we also keep guard over your brand, drive valuable leads to your teams, and generate awareness and interest in products and services - sometimes before we've even finished our coffee.  

The Future of Web Surfing: United States vs. Google

Is Google the prominent search engine because it’s the best? Or do they pay to be on top?

Unveiling the Power of Brand Storytelling: A Financial Institution's Imperative

In a world where financial institutions strive to differentiate themselves, brand storytelling emerges as a powerful tool.

What Creating Over 200 Websites for Financial Institutions Has Taught Us

After creating over 200 websites for financial institutions (FIs), we've accumulated a wealth of knowledge and insights. Here are a few key lessons we've learned along the way:

What’s in a Persona?

In the age of personalization, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.

Why Budget Planning and Strategic Planning Should Go Hand in Hand

If we could give one crucial piece of advice to every FI, it's that budget and strategic planning is essential and that you need to adjust with the market and your FI’s changing needs.  

So, What Should You Spend on a Website?

There has been so much debate around websites; is it just checking a box, or is it imperative to an FI’s business strategy? Does it require effort to be maintained, or is it more of a “launch it and leave it” strategy? 

On Demand Webinar: Meet Them Where They Are

Meet your customers where they are. We're talking about how to be the bank the next generation needs. 

Time to Rethink Your Checking Strategy

Aiming to get younger? Look at your products. 

GA4: The good, the bad, the ugly

Google has been garnering a lot of attention as of late, especially surrounding the transition from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. In this blog, we’ll be breaking it down into sections that are easier to digest. 

On Demand Webinar: Speak the Language of Your Customers

We’ll show you how to do it with digital.

On Demand Webinar: All Together Now

Get everyone on the same page with your marketing efforts!

Marketing in Crisis

When the Silicone Valley Bank and Signature Bank failures hit the news, we did what many marketers around the country did, by immediately talking about what steps need to be taken, what the message needs to be, and the tone to take.

On Demand Webinar: Your Roadmap to GA4 Success

The clock is winding down on Universal Analytics, it’s time to get serious about GA4.

Ready, Set, Launch!…Now What?

What to do once you’ve launched your new website.

The SERPs… they are a-changing

Okay maybe a bit of an old reference there, but I guess changes to search engine results pages (SERPs) aren’t a new event either. What is new is the extent to which SERPs have changed this time.

Year In Review: 2022

If you think this year flew by, you are not alone.  Hard to believe that we’re already looking back at the trends that took over the marketing world in 2022.

Looking Forward to Digital Marketing in 2023

If sci-fi movies have taught us anything, it’s that the future can be pretty uncertain. The same goes for the future of marketing.

On Demand Webinar: Making A Media Plan

Media planning has a lot of moving parts, and knowing where to get started can be overwhelming.

ICYMI - Wrapping up the best of 2022

2022 was the year of the marketer, at least in our opinion! Let’s look back at some of your favorite content from this past year:

Gear Up – It's Budget Season

Let budget season begin! We all know this time of year well – mixed with a bit of excitement, lots of doubt and anxiety, and ultimately, we’re all a bit jaded knowing we’re going to have to defend our budgets more than anyone else. 

Are You Being Found?

The importance of being found locally has never been greater. For years, Google Trends have shown “near me” searches being consistently on the rise, and it’s imperative to be found when those searches are happening – this is a subset of SEO called Local SEO.

Battling Today’s Digital Ad Fatigue

Ever feel like you’re being stalked by the same ad? No matter where you go, you keep seeing the same one, and by the fourth or fifth time, all charm is lost, and you’re simply annoyed.

Traditional Marketing: Still Part of the Mix

Not every marketer will admit they have a soft spot for traditional marketing efforts. But, if you ask us, we’ll say that traditional marketing methods will always have a place in the market, despite the continued shift of all life to digital.  

Google Performance Max: It’s called MAX for a reason!

The goliath that is Google has been beta-testing, teasing, and promoting their newest digital campaign type, Google Performance Max (GPM).

The Pannos Sessions: Know Your ROI With Marketing Attribution

Online Application Data Can Be the Key to ROI.

Your Strategic Marketing Plan

“Marketing is an investment – not an expense.” We say this to our clients all the time but never does it hit home more than during strategic planning season.

Kentico Xperience June 2022

The Pannos web team has done it again! They’ve been recognized by Kentico once again for another best-in-class website. 

On Demand Webinar: It's All About The Brand

How does your logo support your brand?

The Pannos Sessions: The Importance of Brand & Logo

How does your logo support your brand?

SEO: It's Worth The Investment

There are all kinds of questions about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but one we don’t talk about much is the impact SEO has on your ROI. The answer to this is not always straightforward, but we’re here to help go over some of the variables you may encounter.  

It's Time To Diversify Your Social Media

When it comes to building your brand on social media it can become difficult with so many platforms to choose from. Pannos is here to make it easier!

On Demand Webinar: The Future of FI Website Design

As the digital age roars on, the possibilities are endless when it comes to web design and a well-functioning online branch for your financial institution.

Are QR Codes Relevant In 2022?

Since the start of 2020, we’ve seen a resurgence of 90’s trends from bell bottom jeans to fanny packs and even QR codes! This is due in part to the ebb and flow of trends going in and out of style, but also because of, you guessed it, the pandemic.

Are You Tuned-In With Your Media Planning Strategy?

As consumers, we are constantly being pulled in different directions when it comes to how we watch television. The two most popular mediums include broadcast TV and streaming TV. You may have heard these terms thrown around, but do you really understand what they are?

It’s Happening - Universal Analytics Is Being Sunset

We knew this was coming but had hope for more time. Google announced that they would officially be sunsetting Universal Analytics (UA) on July 1, 2023.

On Demand Webinar: 2022 Looking Ahead

It's time to put your plans into action and execute your marketing strategy. That means bringing the big guns (you know, the CEOs, CFOs and CIOs) into the conversation. Not sure where or how to start? Then you’re in luck!

The Pannos Sessions: 2022 Looking Ahead

It's time to bring your C-Suite (you know, the CEOs, CFOs and CIOs) into the marketing conversation!

2021 NEFMA Awards Gala

The past two years (can you believe it?) have been far from normal. Our lives have been disrupted and we have overcome so many unforeseen challenges not only in the banking industry but as a whole.

Easy in Theory, Easy in Practice: Project Management

Every marketer knows just how important it is to keep all of their work organized. When it comes to financial institutions, the marketing department tends to wear multiple hats, which makes staying organized even more important. That’s where project management comes into play and can make a significant impact on your strategy.  

Incoming Call: Attribution and Call Tracking

Despite the world being an incredibly digital and connected place, there are still major gaps in understanding what marketing and sales efforts are driving conversions and meaningful conversations.

Measuring Success Made Easy

For any marketing team, being able to measure marketing ROI is crucial. Having the ability to justify marketing spending and budget allocation is the only way to properly calculate current campaigns and future initiatives.

The Pannos Sessions: The Future of FI Website Design

In this digital age, just having a few blogs on a static website and offering online banking access is no longer going to cut it—not for your internal decision makers and definitely not for your website users.  

Timing is Everything

The power of digital marketing is that not only is it measurable, scalable and flexible, it can also take the guesswork out of when consumers want products.

2021 Marketing Trends Breakdown

If 2021 has taught us anything, it's that things really can only go up from here (we hope). Every year, marketers around the world try to predict the newest trends for the coming year. Some are real hits, while others are a complete miss.

The Pannos Sessions: Back To Marketing Basics

We're helping you rethink your 2022 marketing tactics in our latest episode of the Pannos Sessions!

Don’t Put Your Social Media Eggs In One Basket

If you haven’t noticed yet, social media is one of the key elements in people's lives. It's where they go to connect with friends, family and even businesses, and where many get their daily news. Social media is also often the place they turn to when they have a question, comment or complaint about a business they have had an interaction with.

Kentico Xperience December 2021 Top 10

Our web design and development team strive to deliver best-in-class websites for every one of our clients, so we’re thrilled to announce they’ve been recognized by Kentico for their work! 

On Demand Webinar: Back To Marketing Basics

Did you make it a resolution this year to try new marketing channels? You just may not have to. We are throwing it back to some “traditional” marketing channels that are making a comeback in our next webinar discussion that you won’t want to miss. From TV and purchased email lists to direct mail and QR codes, we are starting to see some eye-opening trends resurfacing in the marketing channels. Watch the recording as we discuss how we can rethink these old channels in the new year.

On Demand Webinar: Redefining Community

StonehamBank is very involved and active in their community, not only through their contributions, but also events including pop-ups throughout their market. 

The Pannos Sessions: Redefining Community

StonehamBank has always been active in their community, through their contributions, participation in events, and even with pop-ups throughout their market. 

Hit The Rewind Button on 2021 Marketing Trends

It’s that time of year again! No, we aren’t talking about what your new year's resolutions will be (trust us, we tried to give up drinking coffee and it lasted two days).

ICYMI - Our 2021 Wrap Up

From our point of view, 2021 gave 2020 a run for its money. As an agency, however, that didn’t stop us from delivering the marketing content you needed. Let’s look back at some of our favorite content from this past year:

Shame and Engaging Younger Generations

I was listening to Brené Brown recently and I was struck when she said, “You cannot shame or belittle people into changing their behaviors." It seems obvious, but it did dawn on me that we don’t talk to all of our clients about the way we talk to customers and prospective customers.

Want to Rank Well in SERP? Design Matters.

We’ve known that design matters for a lot of reasons, let alone SEO (Search Engine Optimization), but it’s never been “officially” stated as such by Google.

ADA Compliance: What Your Institution Needs to Know

Ensuring your website is ADA compliant should be one of your top concerns going into 2022. If you are not sure where to get started, we can help guide you in the right direction.

On Demand Webinar: It's All About The Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, your website needs to function as fast and easy as your best branch. That means implementing User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) best practices that serve users, not internal audiences. User expectations for a seamless, responsive, personalized digital experience are higher than ever, and when those expectations are not met, users will jump ship in a matter of seconds.  

On Demand Webinar: Website, CMS, SEO... Oh My!

Our Senior Manager of Strategy, Melanie Coleman, and our Web Development Manager, Matt Larrabee, dive deep into best practices for your web presence. Whatever stage your website is at, whether it’s a couple of days or a couple of years old, see if you’re making the right moves to stay up-to-date on the constantly changing needs of your users.   

It's All About The Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, your website needs to function as fast and easy as your best branch. That means implementing User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) best practices that serve users, not internal audiences. Join Senior Web Designer, Andrew Zeller, as he explains how to understand user expectations. 

Website, CMS, SEO... Oh My!

Our Senior Manager of Strategy, Melanie Coleman, and our Web Development Manager, Matt Larrabee, dive deep into best practices for your web presence. Whatever stage your website is at, whether it’s a couple of days or a couple of years old, see if you’re making the right moves to stay up-to-date on the constantly changing needs of your users.

What's Trending? Website Traffic!

It is no longer just a matter of asking how many people visited your website. With today's comprehensive website performance analytics, you can dive deeper into how your website is performing and understand the trends behind your visitors' activity. 

Improving SEO with Backlinks

Like a digital vote of confidence, backlinking your website from another trustworthy site is one of the keys to off-site SEO. In this article, we'll explain what backlinking is and the important role it plays in your digital efforts. 

"Pretty" Isn't Enough When It Comes to Your Website

When building a website, it is often overlooked whether the design and content serve a key purpose. Needless to say, your website should be attractive but being pretty is not enough.  

Ad Fatigue Beating You Down? You’re Not Alone

Are you seeing the same ads over and over again? Don't worry, you aren't going crazy. We have the answer and the solution on how to beat ad fatigue. 

2021 Telly Awards

A lot of work goes into producing commercials, and to be recognized by a nation's leading award makes it all worth it!

Sorry Compliance, It’s Time to Figure Out First-Party Data

Is your FI ready for the loss of the third-party cookie?

Third-Party Cookies Receive a Stay of Execution

Digital marketers are getting more time back to plan a strategy around the loss of third-party cookies. 

TikTok and the Power of Short-Form Content

While some of you may just be getting the hang of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it’s time to make room for the new kid on the block, TikTok.

System Failure: Solving the Disconnect in Application Abandonment Rate

You’ve done the marketing, you’ve gotten 100 people to click on Apply Now, so why are you only receiving 2 completed applications for your product? 

Don’t Break Rank: Make sure your website is built for performance

Launching a new website can bring with it an onslaught of emotions. On one hand, it can be very exciting and help set your bank apart, but on the other, it can prove very stressful and be a huge undertaking.

NEFMA Awards Gala

There's no question this past year has presented many unforeseen challenges throughout every industry. During that time, our clients rose to the occasion, and delivered impactful campaigns, powerful brands and more.

The Truth About Homepage Navigation

Learn from our Senior Web Designer, Andrew Zeller, as he breaks down website navigation and considering your user's journey. 

"What's in a Cookie?" - Data Protection

Cookies - not just a delicious treat - are the means through which marketers and data companies learn about online user behavior.

Use Data-Find Your way

Give your users a short-cut to their destination. 

SEM Formula

At Pannos, we don’t experiment with marketing formula’s, we perfect them. 

Driving SEO

Let your SEO strategy work like a well-oiled machine.

Steps to Website Success

If your website is falling flat, it’s time to up your game.

ICYMI - Here's Our Top 5...

The last year was one for the history books. With that in mind, we decided to reflect on and share our most popular articles from the year with you. Take a look.

Google Analytics Changes = New Opportunities for Marketers

Our Manager of Media & Strategy, Mel Coleman, is here to calm the panic surrounding Google's recent launch of Google Analytics 4, or GA4.

Digital Planning Webinar

Thinking about diving into digital? You're not alone. It can be super overwhelming, and expensive to not do right. Join our Digital Media Strategist, Greg Keegan, and our Manager of Media & Strategy, Mel Coleman, as they break down how to enter the digital space.

3 Common Misconceptions about Mergers & Acquisitions

Jim Pannos sheds some light on what he feels are the 3 most common misconceptions about mergers & acquisitions.

Overhyped and Overlooked - 2020 Marketing Trend Breakdown

At the start of every year, our inboxes are bombarded with articles making marketing predictions for the upcoming year. Sometimes it seems that they all say the same things, and aren't necessarily founded on, well, much of anything.

Strike with Precision

If the past year has taught us anything, it's that we need to meet bank marketing challenges head-on.

In Any World - Consistency is Key!

Chances are that by now your financial institution has been active in the social media world for quite some time. But, what does that activity look like, exactly? You may think your social media content is eye-catching, informative and overall solid, however, your page isn’t succeeding. Why is that?

Content Structure & SEO

We've said it before but it's worth repeating - SEO is constantly evolving as search engines work to get better at serving users' content based on their intent, not just keywords.

Make a Plan, But Don't Commit

This time of year always has us reflecting on the past year (remember Tiger King? Ah, early Pandemic days), and getting excited about what 2021 may bring. 2020 has made planning ahead essential, but with the uncertainty of our social climate, the ability to adapt is critical.

SEO & Digital in 2020

As a digital marketer and self-proclaimed SEO nerd, it’s no surprise that I (and every other marketer today) is screaming “you need to keep up your digital efforts!!”, “don’t forget SEO!!”. But with an avalanche of information regarding every possible topic hitting us all at once, I felt it was important to take a minute and break out a few actionable steps that won’t exceed your marketing budget and will help with customer relations.

Don't Panic! This Google Change Doesn't Impact You

Yes, Google made another change, this time to advertising. Fortunately, FIs are already so heavily regulated from an advertising standpoint that no real impact is felt.

Mergers & Acquisitions - Successful Communications Plan

It’s no secret that mergers and acquisitions are a massive undertaking. And that’s before marketing enters the mix.

Scent-sational Marketing

Brands have really broken out of the advertising box in 2020, and the luggage brand Away is no different.

Try to Try

In this episode, we have Amy Zahensky and Mel Coleman join our host for a roundtable. They discuss how new ideas were executed, how millennials communicate and being fearless. Tune in for this episode with the co-creators of the podcast.

Marketing...expense or investment? You be the judge!

Every day your bank is faced with new challenges to overcome and strategic objectives to meet, whether it's strengthening brand awareness, building loan portfolios or hitting deposit growth goals. With the right strategy and forward-thinking marketing solutions, your financial institution (FI) can better compete in today's marketplace.

Catch My Eye

With so much discussion lately about attracting Generation Z to your financial institution, I invited Jordan Julio to the podcast. Jordan is a recent graduate from Southern New Hampshire University, a former intern for Pannos and our newest Account Coordinator. Jordan is also a Gen Z-er. Listen in as he tells us how to capture the business and attention of his generation.

Roles and Responsibilities of Website Parties

Remember when you were a kid, and you would attempt to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time? You're probably trying to right now as you read this. It seems like an easy enough task, but if you are like me, it takes about 98% of your brainpower to coordinate the two efforts simultaneously.

The Boom, Plateau & Undeniable Potential of Voice Search

In October 2011, the world was introduced to a revolutionary piece of software: a personal assistant integrated into mobile devices that could be used to procure information from the web by simply asking a question directed toward the personal assistant. e.g. "Siri, what's the weather going to be like today in Manchester, NH?" 

Don't Stop Pushing

This episode welcomes Luke Roussin, the Marketing Director at First State Community Bank, to the podcast. We cover topics ranging from an acquisition during a pandemic to overseeing individual markets with their own budgets and even a little NFL talk. Tune in for some great insight into why relationships are so important!

Traded Alligators for Rattlesnakes

This episode we sit down with Jon Skelly, Vice President of True Sky Credit Union, to discuss his branch openings using nanotechnology, robots and thermal mirrors. From there, we change gears to how relationship-based banking is important to your success and how True Sky views themselves as a technology company more than a credit union.

Challenging the Status Quo

For many of us, the status quo is like a weighted blanket. It's comfortable, easy and reassures you that things are how they should be. But is that a good thing?

Where Are You On The Map?

We started with one question and then just let the podcast happen. The question was "How can community FI's improve their marketing efforts?"

Google Updates Coming Soon - Prepare Your Website

In 2020, Google announced an upcoming change to their ranking algorithms which would incorporate new metrics for measuring user experience known as Core Web Vitals.

Are You Cut Out for Internet Fame?

If you're anything like me, you've never been on TikTok and think it's "for the kids". That's rapidly changing as TikTok's user base is diversifying from primarily Gen Z to include users of all ages. The app has received more than 80 million downloads in the US alone. 

Rethink Your Homepage

Learn from our Senior Web Designer, Andrew Zeller, as he uncovers the best design strategy for your website's homepage. 

Get Your Brand Moving with Video

Social media videos generate 1200% more traffic than images and text combined. We know that is such a high percentage that it sounds fake, but rest assured it's not. 

It Takes Two to Tango, and I've Danced Both Parts

Looking at things from someone else's perspective is a challenge. It's not easy, and it doesn't always give the answers you’re looking for, but it can help to move the process forward in the right direction.

Digital Benchmarks - Top 5 Takeaways

Data is everything. It helps us make informed decisions, learn from previous efforts and continue to improve our processes. We took the ultimate deep dive into every digital campaign we have run in the past four years to pull out some key insights that pertain specifically to financial institutions. 

That's The Bottom Line!

Nick Smith joins us to discuss pushing forward, 3 steps to creating goals for your financial institution, and why asking "why?" is so important! Listen in for a great episode from the man I have dubbed "The Most Interesting Man in Bank Marketing!" Also, go listen to the "B Side" of this episode where Nick shares some amazing stories about when he was in the film and television industry.

The Most Interesting Man in Banking

Welcome to the "B Side" to episode 5, That's The Bottom Line! Listen to Nick Smith talk about Boston's music scene in the 70's, working in the music industry and working for BBC traveling the world.

You Are Not Your User - What That Means

If you have been intimately involved in the development of a website, then you're likely familiar with the entire design process – from when it was gray boxes and placeholder text on a wireframe to when it reached its full potential and transformed into your digital branch. If you've been through that process, you know that a lot more goes into it than making your site look "pretty".

You Got Me In, Get Me To The End

In this episode, we answer questions like "Well, does it work?" and how to "impact your bottom line". Pannos Marketing's Digital Marketing Strategist, Melanie Coleman, joins a discussion that starts with conversions and ends with trying! 

Are You Sure You're Recording?

We sit down with the Vice President, Marketing Director of Peoples Bank in Munster, IN. We discuss marketing while your bank is in growth mode, how to choose the right agency and why it is imperative to press record on the first episode!

Your SEO Roadmap

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around since the dawn of search engines... so roughly the mid-90s. Since then, webmasters, marketers and later SEOs (search engine optimizers) have been working diligently to ensure their site could be found amongst the millions of websites on the internet.

On Demand Webinar: Developing Your Personalization Strategy

Having a well-designed, custom website is important, but it’s only half of the digital battle. The other half is developing an effective strategy to drive traffic to your website, and get them to convert.

5 Question with Jim Pannos

In this episode, Jason Rowe sits down with Jim Pannos to discuss how he chose marketing with community financial institutions, fun projects over the past 26 years, and how you can show you're part of the community. 

How Will You Move Past the White Noise?

As we move into a new month of stay at home orders, and state re-opening phases are implemented, there is something else that has impacted our day-to-day lives . Quarantine Fatigue.

The Power of Video: More Powerful (and Accessible) Than Ever.

According to a recent Hubspot report, video has taken over as the #1 form of content marketing, passing blogs and infographics. But, many community financial institutions have yet to break into using video, put off by the perceived cost, among other barriers and complications.

Branches 2.0: The Multifaceted Approach to Re-Opening

The Right Plan for Your Post-COVID Branch Experience

As stay-at-home orders begin to relax, it's time to start thinking about how re-opening branches will look based on your local conditions. When the doors open, you'll need to keep safety in mind and have a plan (and messaging) ready to go.

Reevaluating Your Traditional Marketing Mix during COVID

Practically overnight Americans learned the term “social distancing”, shifted gears, and began working remotely while businesses nationwide were forced to close their doors due to the ongoing developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this change came a myriad of questions. For marketers, it became a question of how to adapt strategy to the rapidly evolving landscape.

Solutions for the Challenges Ahead

Due to the current global crises, many financial institutions have had to adjust the way they serve their customers. It is exceedingly important that your financial institution continues to support your customers and provide them with access to the banking products and services they need to stay connected and on track. Now is the time to focus your efforts on promoting your remote banking capabilities, in order to remain a trusted leader to your communities.

Here are a few thoughts to get you started.

Preparing for the Payment Protection Program

How can your Financial Institution be prepared for what lies ahead?

Welcome to the Pannos Sessions!

Welcome to the first episode of The Pannos Sessions in which your host, Jason Rowe, talks about what to expect and the purpose behind this podcast. 

Keep Your FI Moving Forward Amid COVID-19

As a strategic marketing partner for many FIs across the country, we feel it is critically important to offer guidance for today’s challenges and to assist in keeping community financial institutions at the forefront of forward thinking solutions. Check out a few of our thoughts below!

Update on COVID-19 Business Contingencies at Pannos

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and taking the necessary precautions to keep our employees, clients, guests and others safe.

Digital Marketing Cheat Sheet

Is it all Greek to you? Just when you thought you had digital all figured out - all these new phrases float to the surface.

Amid the New Hampshire Primary

Today, fourteen state primaries and the American Samoa caucuses will take place, making it the greatest number of primary elections and caucuses held on a single given day. This day is referred to as, "Super Tuesday". 

Heat Mapping: The Marriage of Data & Design

What if there was a way to improve your landing pages based upon where people are truly engaged and not just where they’re clicking?

All In For Your Success

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes are coming.

On Demand Webinar: Marketing... Expense or Investment? You Be the Judge!

Every day your bank is faced with new challenges to overcome and strategic objectives to meet, whether it's strengthening brand awareness, building loan portfolios or hitting deposit growth goals. 

Meet BERT: Google’s Latest Algorithm Update

Allow our Digital Marketing Strategist, Melanie Coleman, to introduce you to BERT: Google's latest algorithm update.

Your Website: It's Not the 'Field of Dreams'

"You wouldn't build a new branch and then decide not to put up a sign."

How Is Your Financial Institution Marketing to Millennials?

Many believe they can sum up the personas of all millennials just by their attitude, buying behavior and even financial goals – these presumptions are off base.

The Verdict Is In: ADA Compliance Does Matter!

For those unfamiliar, here’s a brief recap. Back in July, Robles, a blind man, filed suit against Domino’s Pizza when he was unable to order food from the chain’s website or mobile app, though he was using screen-reading software.

On Demand Webinar: Bringing Your Brand to Life Through Your Website

As your institution's front door and largest branch, your website is an important extension of your customer experience, overall capabilities and sales efforts, but most importantly your brand.

Another Day, Another Facebook Update

Well, Facebook changed again, and this time it’s seriously disrupting how advertisers use the platform.

Which Path Will You Take to Achieve "Digital-Readiness"?

In a continually evolving digital world, what steps are you taking to secure your company’s success?

Keywords: Phrase Match and Broad Match Modifiers

Game, set, match keywords!

On Demand Webinar: Video - Let's Get Rolling

Today, you can't go anywhere online without stumbling onto some type of video content.

Digital and In-Person Dynamics

Digital banking has been an ever-growing presence in our daily lives, from cashless transactions to mobile deposits to the transferring of funds.

Happening Now: Robots Writing Copy

Artificial intelligence can do just about everything these days. As it turns out, that extends to editing advertising content. JP Morgan Chase has recently tested, and now adopted, a tool that utilizes robots to write ad copy and headlines.

Personalized Print Ads Are A Thing

In this day and age of tracking digital behavior, Hearst Magazines is taking it to the next level. 

On Demand Webinar: Financial Services Websites - "Pretty" Isn't Enough

Does your website truly reflect your FI’s strategic goals and objectives?

So, You've Been Hit by a Google Core Update...

Some of you may be wondering what this is, so before we even get started, let’s back up.

ADA Lawsuits: Not Just for FIs

When the Supreme Court returns from their summer break one of their tasks will be to determine whether to hear the case Domino’s Pizza v. Guillermo Robles.

Launching an Employee Advocacy Program

Implementing employee advocacy within the workplace is a great way to establish a positive and productive work environment.

On Demand Webinar: Digital Trends on the Rise

As digital marketing opportunities continue to evolve, your marketing strategies need to advance with them. Lately, it seems like every Monday morning there’s a new technology or advertising opportunity in the works or on the rise waiting for you in your inbox.

Increase Conversions: Work Smarter Not Harder

Retargeting is just one of the many tools we utilize to help increase conversion rates, on multiple platforms.

Best Times to Post on Social Media

Now that you've written your content, it's time to publish it to the appropriate social channels, but how do you determine when the best time is to publish your content?

Hey Google, How Can I Improve Voice Search SEO?

Voice search isn’t just a buzz word in marketing anymore, it is here, and it’s being adopted by users at a rapid pace.

Celebrating 25 Years

When we first started in 1994, Pannos Marketing was a small agency of just three people. Today, we have grown to over 30 employees and hold national recognition in the financial services industry with a client base that covers 35 states.

Managing Workplace Interactions on Social Media

Social Media is a part of everyday life, including life at work. Take a stroll around the office and you will most certainly see employees scrolling through their Facebook newsfeed, taking a quick snap or tweeting about what’s going on throughout the day.

On Demand Webinar: Building a Breakthrough Brand

Through this webinar, meet our new Brand Strategist, Chris Tieri, and Creative Director, Paul Tonelli, who will join our President, Jim Pannos, to discuss the importance of your bank’s brand and how it goes far beyond just your logo, jingle or tagline, but becomes a critical component of your bank’s differentiation and business development initiatives.

On Demand Webinar: How to Kickstart a Personalized Web Experience

Did you know that tailoring the online experience to individual needs can help your bank succeed in your markets? Amanda Rowe and Jim Pannos will take you on a guided tour of web personalization to help you gain insight on all of the options available to you when creating a prioritized personalization plan.

Are Your Contests and Sweepstakes Legal? How to Avoid the Gamble!

Often in our field, marketers overlook key regulations governing the promotion of contests and sweepstakes involving some type of drawing and/or prize giveaway.

The Facebook Data Crisis: Where to Go from Here

Over the past month, there has been a lot of news and discussion surrounding Facebook’s recent data crisis with Cambridge Analytica.

Demystifying Digital Marketing

From social media to search engines, video ads to text ads, the digital marketing world has a lot of components.

New Facebook Algorithm: Updates & Best Practices

In January, Facebook announced a significant change that will affect its Newsfeed algorithm in 2018.

Take Control of Your Digital Presence with Siteimprove

At Pannos Marketing, we’re dedicated to designing compliant, optimized, and responsive websites that can serve as sales, marketing, and retention tools. 

Do Your Meta Descriptions Miss The Mark?

Before 2009 – when search engines didn’t function at the caliber they do now – keywords within meta descriptions were used to help determine website relevancy and search result rankings.

Get Social and Promote Your Business While Building Relationships!

What if we told you all that from now on you could only use social media to promote your financial institution?

How Did a $400 Million Asset Bank Outrank Quicken and Lending Tree?


Our client was looking to raise awareness of the rates and mortgage products they offer in their local market area, amidst strong competition from lenders such as Lending Tree and Quicken.

Build Branch Traffic and Improve SEO

As websites continue to deliver information and services that historically required a trip to the branch, creative financial institutions have begun conceptualizing how they can best use their websites to bring people into the branch. 

2017 the Year of Getting Found Online

2017 may well be remembered as the year that many financial institutions began comprehensive efforts to build their online visibility and start selling online.

Twitter's Latest Tweaks

By the end of 2015, Twitter’s stock had plummeted to an all-time low. While its primary competitors, Instagram and Facebook, continued to innovate and grow in popularity, Twitter lagged behind.

Facebook Changes Your Newsfeed (Again!)

Once again, Facebook is making changes. The site announced in a blog post this week that they have globally rolled out adjustments in the algorithm that determines what people see at the top of their Newsfeeds.

Brand Snapshot

Branding is a concept that lends itself to a wide variety of definitions, never mind figuring out what makes yours special.

PM Reaches a Website Milestone

PM Reaches Website Milestone Demand for responsive websites that work with any smartphone, tablet or PC and built to convert visitors to customers, has helped PM reach a new milestone with the recent launch of four websites.

How You Can Succeed Without Online Account Opening

Financial institutions of all sizes are rapidly adopting Online Account Opening (OAO). If your institution is not likely to implement this soon, there are a variety of tactics that can still help your institution provide similar convenience and improve your ability to gain new customers.

LinkedIn: Alternatives to the Products & Services Tab

On April 14, 2014 LinkedIn removed the Products & Services tab from all company pages. For now, you can edit your Products & Services content, but you won't be able to add new items. The option has been removed from the edit button.

Online Reviews are the New Word-of-Mouth

Online reviews are the new word-of-mouth.

Up the Ante, Build Your Brand

Your bank or credit union offers quality products and topnotch customer service. Isn't that enough to be successful?

Building Your Website Content Can Set You Apart

At the start of a new website project, there is usually a lot discussion about how it should look, especially the homepage. But too often, the content of a new website is not given the same consideration as the page layout.

Using Your Website Content Management System (CMS) to Stay Competitive

Until recently, websites were considered sufficient if they were attractively designed and provided informative content. Rarely did most websites consider the steps/process of adding to and updating that content. As a result, most websites remained unchanged with little new information because it was difficult, or expensive to make changes.

Set Yourself Apart By Building Your Brand

Friendly, knowledgeable and local are adjectives that most community financial institutions use to describe themselves. However, they also acknowledge that the local credit union or bank that is their most challenging competitor would describe themselves the same way. 

The 7 Most Common Mistakes of Interactive Marketing

Mistake # 1: Not believing that Interactive Marketing is for your Financial Institution

Stay plugged in to new trends in community banking and marketing.